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Camisas Negras: 100th Year Anniversary

Posted by John Hickey on


2023 marks the 100th year anniversary of the "Camisas Negras" (Black Shirts), the most important Vasco da Gama squad of all time. Vasco had been promoted for the first time to the Rio de Janeiro State Championship first division in 1923, and was crowned champion that same year.

What was notable about that team was that it was composed predominantly of black and working-class citizens, who split their time between being athletes and construction workers. This bothered the city's elites who controlled the federation as well as many of Vasco's rival clubs, to the point where Vasco was notified it would have to get rid of its' black players in order to participate in the following season.

Vasco da Gama responded with a historical letter claiming it would never do such a thing, and was forced to play a lesser parallel league in 1924. Despite the setback, the strong anti-racist stance, as well as the title of said league made Vasco's popularity skyrocket and forced Rio's Federation to allow Vasco da Gama back in.

Racial struggles in Brazil are far from gone, but the Camisas Negras paved the way for progress and their story is eternal.


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